SLS Centre
Linden Coulter
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Our family loves the water! We often go to the lake and spend time boating every summer. So, when Linden didn’t seem to take to the water very easily early in life, it made our family activities a lot tougher (not to mention, a lot less safe)! Linden even failed two ‘preschool’ swim lessons at the age of 3 and 4. Then finally, the year Linden turned 7, he participated in an SLS Centre Summer Camp where they spent a lot of time in the pool. 

The Camp Leaders worked their magic and by the end of one week, Linden was jumping in with a lifejacket on, finally comfortable to put his face under the water! This new confidence prompted us to put him into more swimming lessons (Levels 1 & 2), which he passed easily. 

In under a year, his confidence went from zero to a hundred, and he was eager to explore more opportunities to swim. This past summer at the lake, Linden was so excited to show off his cannonball from the dock to all of his aunts and uncles! As parents, we could rest a little easier, knowing that SLS Centre camps and swim lessons had helped to give Linden the confidence and the skills to be safe in the water.

The Camp Leaders worked their magic!